Alright, for a quick background, my friend Lauren (Seton Hall University, class of 2020) texted me the other day and asked if I could take a few grad photos of her, including one where she receives her diploma from the mailman. Cue my LOL. First of all, Lauren, I want to be you. You take a crappy situation and make it hilariously positive, no matter what it is (eg. one winter she broke BOTH her feet & we did a photoshoot in the snow, complete with double walking boots). But secondly, I owe this whole series to YOU because without that text, and that hilarious idea, this whole “cap & gown” series never would’ve come to be. So THANK YOU for being you.
And without further ado, I present—
2020 SENIOR SPOTLIGHT SERIES: “At Least They Got to Wear It.”
Starting May 20, 2020 & running through the summer, I will be offering a FREE “micro session” to any interested CT graduate who wants to wear their cap & gown doing any activity of his or her choice. The more ridiculous the better and the funnier it will be. My goal is to have a whole collection of photos by the end of the season to showcase in a more lighthearted series called “At Least They Got to Wear It”
Because, I mean. You already paid for the cap & gown… you might as well wear it… ;)
Connecticut* class of 2020 graduates of any age participating in any random everyday activity (eg. washing dishes, folding laundry, grocery shopping, fishing, exercising, mowing the lawn, checking your oil, etc etc) in your cap & gown. (Sample images below)
*if nearby surrounding states safely begin to open up as well, I’ll be happy to travel outside CT for anyone interested.
There is no cost to you for the cap & gown series shot, and no purchase necessary.
However as this is also my business and I like to buy things I don’t need, I of course have to shamelessly plug that I’ll be offering my $150, 30-minute “half session” package at $75 (50% off) for 2020 graduates all season long if you were to want official grad portraits in addition to the cap & gown shot. But it is not necessary for you to purchase a portrait session in order to be a part of the cap & gown series.
Please head to the Pricing page for more info on formal graduation portrait sessions. Please note: $10 travel fee may apply for distances farther than 40 miles from Windsor, CT.
e-mail or to reserve a spot.
Include your name, age and school you’re graduating from. OPTIONAL— also include your degree/major (or future plans if you’re graduating high school), a little bio or fun fact about you, and social media handle of your choice that I can include when I do your senior spotlight feature on my social media pages.
I can begin booking slots as early as 5/20 (CT’s open up date) & I will continue to set aside a handful of time slots each week into the summer as I know caps & gowns are delayed due to the virus and different graduation schedules.
I will try to organize & schedule by town, so please share with anyone from your class who may be interested as well so they can be included when I come to your area!
All photos will be taken with a 200mm zoom lens.
All photos must be either outdoors, or if indoors, taken through a window.
I will stand at least 10 feet away at all times to ensure health & safety for all. (The lens is actually too long to even get closer than that, so it will actually be impossible to break the 6-foot rule.)
I will come fully loaded with hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes, gloves and a mask that I will happily wear/use per your request or depending on the setting.
If you think you may be sick, please reschedule. This will be running all summer, so there’s no rush whatsoever!
For any questions or concerns you can reach me anytime via:
E-mail ( OR
Facebook/Messenger (Samantha Lauren Photography)
Instagram (@gradsdoingstuff OR @samanthapapa)
Looking forward to working with you!!!